Cold Stars. Empty Voxels.

This is a game created within 48 hours as part of the Ludum Dare (compo / solo) event. According to the theme, it is necessary to combine incompatible genres.
I combined roguelike, space simulator and noir. As a result, something like a spatial puzzle with a simulation of the complex control of a spacecraft turned out.
Unfortunately, not everything was realized. Did not have time to add the enemies that are pursuing the player. Did not have time to create and add music (but in space, the same sound does not apply))). And did not have time to make a quality GUI.

[1] - Mining Laser
[2] - Army Laser
[3] - Rocket
[W] - Forward
[A] - Yaw Left
[D] - Yaw Right
[Q] - Roll Left
[E] - Roll Right
[S] - Pitch Down
[X] - Pitch Up
[Shift + W] - Up
[Shift + S] - Down
[Shift + A] - Left
[Shift + D] - Right
[Space] - Next Turn

Made withUnity